On stock again

Due to the success of the IOM ultra, we ran out of stock of boards. But we have new boards again! An advantage is that the Hypex office is only 5 km away from our workshop, so we were able to pick them up quickly today.


Coming soon: a custom made amplifier for the Wiim Ultra. Ready at the end of November.

Small facelift 500s

We did a small facelift on the 500s to match with our pre-amp ‘IOM Control’; hope it will be liked. Also some internal improvements to make it even better.

IOM Ncore product update

To make it more easy to choose your right IOM Ncore model we made a standard version will all options/features. So with RCA & XLR inputs and also with a trigger input. Best news for you: the price is kept the same!

IOM Control

New: our pre-amp with no active components (tubes or transistors) in the signal path achieves unrivalled transparency enable you to enjoy the original recording without coloration, noise or distortion.

3 Inputs: 2 XLR + 1 RCA

2 Outputs: 1 XLR + 1 RCA

With remote attenuator

The power supply is external/non-integrated to prevent any interference, only powering the ESP32 controller & stepper (and so zero importance on the sound quality).

We added 2 trigger outputs for users who like to drive and control 2 mono’s.

Early birds will receive 10% discount (until July).

IOM 500s

Finally the 500s is available again! We have not been idle in the meantime: the buffer board has been renewed with easily accessible gain settings.