The IOM NCore 500 is IOM’s high-end mono power amplifier. It is based on the Hypex NCx500oem amplifier board.
TheĀ 500 Mono version has 1 x NCx500 board capable of generating max 700W output power (@ 2 ohm and 4 ohm) . It is housed in a compact full aluminum chassis of 6mm thick side/front/back panels & 5mm thick bottom & top panels. This full aluminum housing acts as a one big cooling member. At the back side you will find balanced & unbalanced inputs (selectable) and a 4V to 12V trigger input. At the front side a soft touch on/off button with a ring light is mounted.
IOM 500 features:
- 1 pcs. NCx500 boards
- 1 pcs. Hypex SMPS1200A700 power supply
- gain control in the variable gain version
- 1 * OPA1656 based buffer stage in the variable gain version
- Full anodized aluminum enclosure
- Balanced (XLR) & unbalanced (RCA) stereo inputs (selectable)
- Suitable for 230V or 115V mains
- Standard 4V to 12V trigger input on-board
- On-board soft-start and soft shut-down
This product is made/assembled & shipped within 1 week after ordering. The 500s housing is our own exclusive IOM design. We mill, assemble and laser housing parts in-house, in the Netherlands. Also wiring harness is made in-house to ensure top quality.
Price is displayed without VAT/BTW. If applicable this will be added at checkout.
MO –
Hi Sipko,
die Endstufen sind angekommen. Tausend Dank, dass es noch zu Weihnachten geklappt hat.
Die Endstufen haben richtig Power. Habe dort die Quadral Aurum Vulkan 8 im Bass Bi-Wiring dran. Alles mit Audionet DNA2 ein gemessen. Wow, das bumst richtig heftig. Habe da vorher die Audionet Monos Amp2 X dran gehabt, die aber nicht annƤhernd so viel Kraft haben als deine IOM.
Da kann ich wirklich den Hut vor dir ziehen.
Nochmals vielen Dank und super viele GrĆ¼Će.
Marten –
Some time ago I got the opportunity to test an IOM i250 (integrated) amplifier. This was my first experience with a Class D amplifier. I became so enthusiastic (see specific review) that I investigated how I could get an even better sound and more flexibility. Together with Sipko we figured that when going for the best I should go for 2 mono blocks with the latest NCx500 boards inside. To make the blocks suitable for any available streamer/dac/pre-amp I chose for a gain selector to have always just enough power in combination with the least amount of distortion. In parallel I found a streamer to my (sound) taste with a perfectly balanced design (Lindemann). Because of the alu-look of this streamer I got the aluminium mono blocks (obviously). After a lot of testing with different interlinks (XLR & RCA switch available) and sources (SACDās , CDās, QOBUZ, etc.) I really can say that I enjoy my system as never before! Whenever I get an opportunity during the day for a free moment I listen to music and every time I get a smile on my face because the combination with the mono blocks gives me:
-lots of detail/micro dynamics, things I never heard in a recording before;
– depth and layering in the music together with a (larger) sound stage;
– vocals are so good and separated from the rest of the music that the singer actually seems to be in the living room;
– you can play at very low volumes and still hear everything, very pleasant in the evening;
– you can play very, very (very) loud without any deformation…….
But last and certainly not least: there is control, control and control……the mono blocks are lightning fast and in case of low bass: it is just there with no stress at all……..
Conclusion: pick a good streamer/dac/pre-amp and combine it with these mono blocks. You will not be disappointed.
Rene –
Een aantal maanden geleden is mijn zoektocht begonnen naar 3 mono eindversterkers om mijn Marantz SR 8012 extra body te geven op mijn fronts en center kanaal.
Bij mijn zoektocht op het internet de NCx500 tegengekomen en gezien de recensie op ASR was de keuze snel gemaakt.
Nu nog een dealer vinden die hem verder aan kon passen aan mijn wensen.
Bij het zoeken per toeval bij Sipko uitgekomen, contactformulier ingevuld en binnen 5 minuten contact per telefoon.
Tijdens het telefoongesprek meteen een afspraak gemaakt om op visite te gaan.
De visite was verhelderend: mijn wensen werden gehonoreerd en de deal werd gesloten.
Het eindresultaat:
Het was het 2 weken wachten waard.
Alle afspaken zijn nagekomen. (tegenwoordig al niet gewoon meer)
3 perfect afgewerkte monoblokken welke de sterren van de hemel spelen.
IOM, dank voor alles, supertevreden mee!
Jo –
Zocht met een beperkt budget vervanging voor mijn Krell 300 s.
Aangesloten op SonusFaber Cremona m ,4 ohm speakers.
Voorwaar, dacht ik, een onmogelijke opgave.
Na veel zoekwerk op forums, en verder googlen,kwam ik tot de conclusie dat het een klasse D versterker moest worden.
Na veel vergelijken kwam ik uit bij het Nederlandse IOM.
Contact ging prettig en heel direct.
Na een week kwamen de versterkers aan.
1e indruk, prachtig gebouwd.
Veel belangrijker de 2e indruk.
Hoe klinken deze kleine mono’s?
Koud aangesloten niet verkeerd,miste een beetje autoriteit en bas slam t.o.v de Krell.
Dus luisteren en uren maken.
De mono’s hebben minimaal een paar dagen speeltijd nodig om tot volle wasdom te komen.
Wat ik toen hoorde was verbijstering, positieve verbijstering.
Geluidsbeeld: hoogte, breedte, plaatsing en diepte afbeelding, superieur aan de Krell.
Klankbeeld:meer details, uitsterven van geluid, lucht om stemmen en instrumenten.
Zelfs geluidsdruk in het laag was er plotseling.
Klinkt misschien ‘wazig’ audiofiel, weet niet hoe anders te verwoorden.
Klasse D klinkt erg neutraal, voor een beetje kleur adviseer ik om te experimenteren met een buizen voorversterker .
Voor dit geld onovertroffen en ver daarboven.
Alexander Stabler –
I have 2 new IOM500 monoblocks with 12V trigger and both RCA and XLR outputs
Process was very easy and homely
I got in touch because I wanted monoblocks with VU displays in it and after a listening session and couple cups off coffee with a very nice and honest conversation I decided to order 2 brand new models of the 500series
Picked them up a couple of weeks ago and because I am the first one to test the new model we decided to keep in touch
After testing the amps I took them back to home and packed with new cables i was underway
After connecting them I put them first to a test of sounds and let them play for at least 12 hours straight at about 40% of capacity ( got speakers that donāt mind that kind of power )
Then i started listening with my own playlist on various streaming services and some vinyl
At first I didnāt know what to expect because I only had heard my speakers on the power of my avr ( Yamaha RX-A2080 ) before that I couldnāt remember them because they are in the family for an odd 25 years ( they are MC-Systems M202 )
I started with a couple of sting songs and noticed that every little detail was very crisp and powerful even on high volume ( -16 )
After that I got to the dire straits and Bruce spring steen type of music and noticed that the low end was very powerful and I didnāt know that it was reachable with the speakers so I contacted the manufacturer and got the reply that they are very high sensitive speakers with an enormous thirst for power ( not that they sound bad with low wattages not at all)
After the nostalgia I switched to a bit heavier music like deephouse and some techno I was very surprised how low and powerful it was well beyond the 40hz level
I put them to some endurance tests aswell ( up to 6-7 hours non stop on 75% capacity )and noticed that they arenāt getting any warmer then my avr and streamer ( that for an fully sealed system is impressive )
All and all I am very impressed and happy that I purchased the IOM500 monoblocks and can recommend them because they are powerful controlled and have a stylish black design in an small package
I am even prepared to welcome people to listen to them and if logisticly possible with there own speakers
My current set-up is
Yamaha RX-A2080
Auralic Altair G1
2 x MC-Systems M202
1x B&W HTM602S center
2x B&W M1 surround
1x Rel HT/1003 subwoofer
2x IOM500 monoblocks
Connected with van den hul snowline
Interlinks are Atlas integra hyper2